Stelmec Limited has been manufacturing various types of Outdoor and Indoor Control, Relay and Protection Panels up to 400kV for the last 20 years in their state of art manufacturing facility located at Usgaon near Mumbai.
Salient Features
SLR 140V Numerical Voltage Protection Relay
Two Stage Over Voltage Protection
Two Stage Under Voltage Protection
Two Stage Residual Voltage Protection
In Built 10 Min. Time Delay Function Used for Capacitor Bank Protection
Protection Function Enable/Disable Function
Voltage Input Monitoring
User Configurable 6 Output Contacts
User Configurable 7 Digital Inputs
User Friendly setting and Indications
Storage of latest 999 nos. of Fault log with Time stamp resolution.
IEC 60870-5-103 and/or MODBUS-RTU Communication Protocol
1 or 20r 4 setting group selection by manual or Digital input based setting